Assignment Completion and Labor Hours

The Complete/Close window typically includes an Assignment area that displays an icon for each individual with an assignment on this work order. Depending on the preferences set for your organization, the assignments may be defaulted to complete upon accessing the window. In addition, if the work order has been marked as complete, the assignments will also be marked as complete.

If you are operating on a group of work orders and have selected the All Work Orders in Group check box, the individual assignments will not be displayed. Instead, the Set All Assignments Completed check box is available.

ClosedAssignment Completion

Modify the assignment indicators:

  • To show all assignments as complete, click the Completed Assignments check box above the individual assignments. Each assignment listed will be marked as complete.

  • To mark an individual assignment as complete, select the check box above the individual’s name.

  • To remove the indicator showing an assignment is complete, clear the check box above the individual’s name.

ClosedLabor Hours Field

At some organizations, a Labor Hours section is displayed to allow users to quickly enter actual labor hours tied to their own record. This section is often shown below the Assignment area.

Entering hours in this field will initiate the creation of an actual labor record for the currently logged in user for the hours specified. If another actual labor record exists for the currently logged in user, this record will be deleted and replaced with this new record.

The Complete/Close window is more often configured to record labor hours in a separate section for Labor (Actuals).